Don’t forget the coupons! I like to use CouponChief for coupons because it’s so handy to have them all gathered together in one place. Music, movies and books being high on my kid’s Christmas lists again this year, these BooksAMillion coupon codes might get a workout.
I have to tell you, I am not much in the Christmas spirit. I really detest all the hype, and usually don’t manage to get excited about the holiday until it’s actually just a few days away. I’ll also admit that I have noticed that the less I let myself feel obligated to *do* and *buy* the more Christmas Spirit I have. Perhaps that’s the problem: I can’t enjoy the season until the “chores” are done. Guess I need to go ahead with that, and be done.
I find myself less and less enthusiastic about this season every year. And its funny because once upon a time, starting the day after Thanksgiving, I was just bursting with holiday spirt, and you couldn’t wipe the grin off my face, all the way up to New Years Day. I was meticulous about decorating, gift wrapping, baking, (and so on)
Now your lucky if you can get me hang garlandy by the week before the actual holiday. And giftwrap? Bleh.. whatevers on sale, and the lucky ones receive a package that I remembered to put a stick on bow on top.
Just call me Bah Humbug.
This year, the holiday isn’t exciting me as much as in the past and you know why. However, would you believe I’m actually able to do more for my kids and grands than I have in the past? That part does excite me. Now to get a million gift bags…or better yet, find the time to make them myself since they are so easy.