This Site
- Sunday Sermons (yeah, I’ve been lax) because I think this is important.
- Manic Monday because it looks intriguing, and the topics fit a blog that’s all about me.
- Tuesday’s Tales because again, it’s all about me!
- Booking Through Thursdays to remind myself how much I enjoy books.
- Five on Friday because I liked the questions.
I’ll have to pick up the buttons and such later.done
This House
- Clean it: set aside x amount of time per day, begin in one spot and clean it. Really clean it. Do this continually for the rest of my life.
- Work a few minutes in each room every day, doing a general tidy, kid’s rooms excepted
These Kids
- Do something fun with them. Every day.
- Train them all to first time obedience. Consistently.
This crazy life
- get those schedules and lists in the sidebar working for me
- make monthly schedule