
There’s a new photo-toy in town, and you can find it at Photagious allows you to upload your photos and use them to create slideshows. The resulting slideshows can then be placed within frames for a nice pulled together look. There are 35 themes right now, and they say more will be coming. The slideshows are easy to create, and the process is fun. Demo the slideshow creator.

I do have a couple of complaints about the site, but it’s in the nature of constructive criticism. First, it’s slow. It’s a graphics intensive load, and it shows. I know there are programs and apps out there that can be used to decrease load time, but I don’t know what they are. Secondly, this is a paid site. They do offer a free trial, but I could not find out what the regular charge would be, even after checking the FAQs and the TOS. I’d like to know what the cost is up-front, before I decide I can’t live without the service, ykwim? Even with those 2 caveats, I’ll most likely visit this site again.