Sleep! I slept! I went to bed at quarter of 11, and slept until 2:30ish when the baby woke up. I tucked her in the bed and moved to the couch where I slept until 8ish.
My agenda today is a boy scout thing with each boy scout and to clean the highboy in my room, plus the normal daily stuff (school, laundry, meals), and one item off my index cards of things to do. I need to get DD#5’s outgrown stuff out of her drawers so that all her clothes will fit IN the highboy instead of having them stacked ON the highboy. Hopefully I’ll be able to find DD#4’s shoes somewhere in there, LOL! I’ll get up and get on that as soon as I finish this cup of coffee.
And it is warm here today. I may have to turn the ceiling fans up. Just a little poke at my northern friends. You know who you are!