I had the opportunity to day to listen to the first chapter of a podiobook. This is a book for grown-ups due to subject matter and language. It is the story of a young soldier coming home from the war in Iraq. I found it compelling from the first sentence: it opens with a fire fight.
This first chapter goes on to detail Chet Brown’s actual homecoming, where he searches the cheering crowd for his loved ones and finds………..no one. No friends, no fiancee, no family. He rents a car and drives home, which for him is Atlanta, where he finds both denial and betrayal. To find out the rest you will have to listen for yourself, and I highly recommend you do so.
This is the first book by Charles Sheehan Miles, and he is reading it aloud for us in anticipation of releasing his second book. You can listen to this first chapter at Prayer at Rumayla by Charles Sheehan-Miles, and once there, you can subscribe via XML feed or iTunes. This first chapter was released on the 1st, and I was unable to locate any kind of schedule for the other chapters.
The reviews from those who’ve read the print version in it’s entirety indicate that it will be well worth listening to the entire thing. I only wish I had a copy of the book: when the podcast ended with (I said I am not telling you the rest and I am not. When you listen yourself you will know what I would have put here.), I really wanted to “flip the page” to find out what happened next.
Technorati Tags: podiobook, Charles Sheehan Miles, Prayer at Rumayla