Housekeeping Channel

I saw this website tonight, and it took me about 30 seconds to realize I had to tell you about it! It’s the The Housekeeping Channel, and in those 30 seconds, I found three articles linked off the front page that I wanted to read.

The first one, Motivating Kids to Work discusses pairing kid fundage with proper performance of reasonable chores, while encouraging positive reinforcement for a job well done. The next article I checked out was on Getting Organized. This is surely a sore point with me, and I was reminded that the first thing I need to do is decide to do it. The last article I read was the 8 Myths of Vacumming. And I learned quite a bit about how vacuums really function. And yes, I have fallen for myth number 1 for most of my vacuuming life.

Ok, I did have to read one more article, and it was on Time. I was greatly disappointed to discover that the answer to “how much time should I spend cleaning?” is “as much as it takes to get the job done to your standards.” This last was part of the HC-pedia, and there are clickable words in the articles on the site that lead to the HC-pedia entries. You can also find it off the menu on the left sidebar.

I think I could go on for quite sometime about this site, but the longer I hold you here, the less time you will have over there. So, goo, and I’ll meet you at the Laundry Articles.