
Ya’ll, I told you Monday that I had leaks, and I had been mopping them up. Yesterday and today were more of the same, only faster, better, and much improved from the leak’s point of view. From mine, not so much. I am now at the point where I am having to wash and dry laundry just do I can sop up water, and running the washer causes the puddles to grow to the point that it takes most of the load of towels to sop it back up. The plumber will be here tomorrow. I hope when everything dries out that I don’t need to shop for any North Carolina furniture, but I am pretty sure I’ll need a new floor in the kitchen.

2 thoughts on “Wet

  1. I find that it doesn’t hurt to ask so I am asking for you to consider hosting PAD on this site as well as your other site. You can find the new directions at http://www.benspark.com/photo-a-day/ in case you wanted to add PAD to some of your other sites. I’m trying to extend the reach of the PAD audience.

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