
For a person who rarely goes anywhere, I sure talk about traveling quite a bit. In fact, I love to travel. I love to meet new people and see new things and all that travel entails. Did I tell you one of my dearest friends suggested to me not to long ago that she thought if I didn’t have children, I’d not stay long in one place? I think she’s probably right, though I still haven’t decided how I feel about that. “That” being her saying it, and/or the truth of it. Now, we happened to be discussing what I am going to do with a certain blog of mine that I am having some trouble with, and not with any concrete travel plans, but her point remains. I love to go. I’m just taken aback that it’s so obvious to others that I long to travel, in spite of the fact that I stay right here.

Today’s travel dream is flights to Canada. I want to go to a part where it’s cool, LOL! Not cold, mind you, just cool. I have no idea what I would do when I got there, though it should not be hard to find entertaining things to do and interesting people to meet. Except the hockey thing they have going on there. That’s the one thing I can definitely say I’m not even remotely interested in.

Other alternatives would include flights to Johannesburg and New York weekend breaks.