I went shopping some more, ya’ll: 2 more pairs of shoes, 5 skorts and a few tees, underthings. I do want a couple more church dresses if I can find them, but I won’t die without them. I think I am just about done with the clothes thing, and I just have to say that I am so glad my mom has a credit card with a good rate. She did some comparison shopping to find it, and that works really well for me, since I can use it to shop and then just give her the money. It’s a lot easier to just slip a card and a license in my pocket and go than to lug a pocketbook around.
Now, onto another topic: Today, I am up to five hours between smokes. I find that the physical cravings are not as bad as the need for a “mental break”. I decided last night that when I get an over-powering urge for a cigarette, I’ll walk to the end of the block and back. That won’t take me any longer than my smoke breaks did, and it will get me moving. Mama assures me that I am going to gain weight now. I like my new clothes, and am determined that I will not. The walking will therefore serve a dual purpose.
You’ll only gain weight if you eat to fill those cigarette cravings. Good for you– I’m proud of you!
Cass, what a great decision to quit smoking! And you’re doing great. Jennifer is right: you won’t gain weight if you keep your eating steady. I am currently trying to quit and I wish I was doing as well as you are. Congrats.
Sounds like your pretty dedicated to quite… that’s GREAT! Good luck and keep up the good work. It’s always nice when you like your clothes the day after you buy them. Sometimes when I get home I wonder what I was thinking at the store. If you happen to be looking for some nice church dresses I’m sure you could get some at Lord and Taylor. I’ve heard they’ve had some nice selections this year.
Thanks Jenn!
You can do it. It won’t be easy, but you can do it.
I’ve made purchases like that myself! Thanks for the tip on L&T.
Congrats! I hope I can have the determination to quit, too.
Wow!! You are almost there. I am so glad for you.