New Directions

Navtej Kohli has been gracious enough to sponsor a post about my favorite charity. In fact, he‘s sponsored several across my different blogs, and I’ll be highlighting a different charity for each sponsorship. I thought I had used up all his largess, but he surprised me with two more chances yesterday! I’m certain that this one is the last, though.

I’m pleased to introduce you to New Directions. This Burlington, North Carolina based charity has been rated four stars by Charity Navigators, it’s leaders are drawing reasonable salaries, and your money will go where you meant to send it. NDI is a missions and relief organization that actively connects individuals and churches with the work of missions. They adhere to a three prong method: Evangelism and Discipleship, Aid and Relief, and Community Development. You cannot teach folks about eternal life if their physical lives are in jeopardy from lack of basic necessities, so I am appreciative of ministries that help people in very practical ways. Even Jesus said that if you tell a hungry man to “be filled” but don’t give him any food, you haven’t really helped him. It’s the same with basic clothing and shelter. I also think that the best way to help people is to teach them to help themselves, so I like the way NDI focuses on communities. It’s the old concept of giving a fish versus teaching someone to fish.

I want to thank Navtej for the opportunity to talk about another organization that’s making a difference for people by spreading the “Good News of the Gospel of Jesus Christ”

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