Oh, I have some exciting news! We are now just 8 days out from The Alzheimer’s Association Memory Walk, and I am tickled purple to report that when the town e-newsletter came out last night, we were in it!!!!
Sat., Oct. 13 – Take a Lap for Alzheimer’s
Please join us at the bike trail at Leland Town Hall on Oct. 13 to take part in the Alzheimer’s Association Memory Walk. We’ll be there from 1:00 – 3:00 p.m. Participation is free; donations will be accepted at the event or by visiting www.midlifemusings.com. (click on the memory walk logo). For more information, please e-mail cass@cassknits.com.
How cool is that?
And donations are trickling in. My mom has received a few at her work, and some has come in online, too. See?
I’m hoping that we will have good turnout because of the newsletter. I haven ‘t gotten any emails about it, but it’s not as if this town is so large that folks don’t know where Town Hall is, either. We only have one main drag, and Town Hall is on it, LOL!
OK, Listen up! Time is short. I am only going to remind you a couple more times about being a team captain and doing your part. Once my walk is over, you know I have to move on to other stuff until this time next year. Please do whatever it is you plan to do, and then come tell me about it!
This post is sponsored by The Alzheimer’s Association Memory Walk
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