Have you heard about the Gphone? I read about it today on allinanchor.com. I had not heard of it, but I guess I am no really surprised, since Google seems determined to control the information age from the holding hostage of my PR to the delivering of search results that contain pages consisting solely of ads in spite of their insistence that they are cleaning up the internet………..oh, darn it, there I go again. Sorry.
Back to allinanchor. This blog deals with internet marketing and news and a bit of SEO type stuff, but they do have some fun forays into high tech gadgetry. It’s an interesting blog that won’t overburden you with constant updates. Unlike yours truly, these guys only blog when they have something to say. They are looking for guest writers, too, so if the field interests you, and you have something to add to the discussion, be sure to leave a comment asking about that!