So, I mentioned briefly in passing that I am the new Cub Master for my sons’ Scout pack. The pack is in an absolute mess, we are a couple of months behind before we have even started, we’ve missed the major fundraiser, the old Cub Master isn’t returning my emails, and it’s just … sad. In fact, I mostly volunteered to do it pretty much because I could not bear the idea of looking at my boys and telling there would be no scouts this year. Sigh, Let’s go back to last fall.
The old Cub Master told us all year long that someone needed to step up and take this position. it was our first year in scouts, and I really wanted my boys to rely on other adult input for this, and so I said no. Repeatedly. I finally, at the last minute agreed to be the awards person for the pack, and Some Dude agreed to be the Cub Master, and everyone breathed a sigh of relief, because, yes indeed, the pack would continue. Except that over the summer Some Dude has disappeared. With any records that the pack had. There may also be some funds involved, but we don’t know, beeeeeeecaaaaaaaauuuuse the old Cub Master has pretty much washed her hands of the whole matter and isn’t much returning emails either. Yeah.
So, I was kinda at a loss. I know nothing. Out District Executive has been less than forthcoming with info, and in fact, we thought from his lack of responsiveness that he was a volunteer until this past Tuesday. I and three of my Den Leaders attended training in the next town over. It was a two part training, and after the first one, I was still as scairt as I had been when I walked in. After the second one, though, I think I am actually ready to do this thing. No, I know I am.
The structure of the Boy Scouts is a lot more formal than I realized. The church where we meet, which I had been left with the impression was a necessary evil, is actually supposed to be an integral part of the pack. They are there to help me make this program what it should be for the boys. And part of the reason I wasn’t sure what all the job entailed is because …well…it wasn’t modeled for me, and I’ll leave that there on the table and move on.
I talked to our liason at the church today, and I told him some of the things I had discovered at this training, and I’ve asked him to recruit a couple or three church members who could serve on the pack committee. He was amenable to that, and seemed really positive about the two parts (the chartering organization –read that church– and the boys) of this pack moving forward together. And I am excited. I am ready to get some camping gear and go sleep in a cabin. HA, you did not even think I was going to say tent, did you? Hello? I’m still me, ya’ll.
But I am excited now and whereas before I was doing this because it needed to be done, now I am excited about the possibilities. Four days ago, I wanted to know the bare minimum to get me through, and now I am trying to find the money in our pack funds to cover the next training that I need. See, I can do the job now, but I know I could do it so much better if I had that training. Even if it does interfere with “getting my hair did”.
Anyway, I’ve got a lot of work to do. But it’s good work, worthy work, work that will change the lives of boys forever. Work that will change me. And that’s probably a good thing, too.