Post the Fourth?

Yep, here I am with a fourth post in one day, breaking my own three post rule. These things happen. Mostly I am doing it because I am frustrated by the noise level in my house so I am avoiding it by working. Remember I’ve talked about my avoidance issues before? I am currently using my need to post about cables to avoid dealing with what I do not wish to be involved with. Obviously, the cables could wait. Is it better or worse that I recognize what I am doing and yet continue to do it? Does it help mitigate things if I say my secondary motivation is that I want to spend less time on the computer next week during the day, and so I don’t want to have to sweat getting the links in? That I am seriously considering
aww, heck. I’ve forgotten what I’m seriously considering, because it’s been at least 20 minutes since I typed it, and I have gotten up and sat down and gotten up no less than four times, and also switched out a load of laundry, poured the 3 year olds self served huge glass of soda back into the bottle, and listened to dueling country/rock-pop/movie noises in between, and it’s a slap miracle I even remember my name.

This is why the “series” idea really isn’t a good one for me. I’m beginning to think this is less of a blog and more of a window on one woman’s descent into insanity.