I got something! And I’m giving it away!

award.thumbnailCarolyn, over at A Prairie View, has gifted me with this prestigious award. Actually, I am a slacker, and she’s probably forgotten all about it, because she did it back on the 18th of February. Slacker, indeed. So, I am supposed to pass this on to 5 other bloggers, and I am having a hard time coming up with my list. I am so behind on blog reading that I don’t know what’s going on in the blogosphere anymore.


Colleen, who had a very rough day and is already bouncing back
Deb, who speaks with quiet wisdom and also laughs at herself
Ann, who does that which is most difficult–she keeps on keeping on, every day
Feebeeglee, for onehundredfortyeleven little reasons and 6 big ones
Social Citizen, because I’m not judging, you. Really.

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