And I am hopeful that it will allow me to get more done. Football season has started, and that means my Saturdays are now full, fuller, fullest, at least through October. I told you a few days ago about my new notebook method of organizing myself, and you saw I still have a massive to-do list with many, many hours-long projects on it. (By the way, that is working extremely well for me, hold that thought, I’ll get back to it in a minute.)
Anyway, since I am working until about 10pm most nights to cram everything in, I prefer to NOT work all weekend, too, and since Saturday is busy, I am now taking Wednesdays-for-Work. Clearing the desk, clearing the email inbox, and clearing that to-do list, too. No school, no housework. It seems to be working–it’s only noon, and my regular work is done, except for one post, and I am doing some chewing on that in the back of my mind. I guess that means it’s time to work on the desk and email, right?
Now back to that thought above. I did indeed streamline my notebook, and this is how I did it. I made 10 columns across a 2 page spread, and that holds 2 weeks worth of Monday-Friday checklists and blogging schedules. Then, I can use as many pages after that as I need to hold to-do lists and notes and such. I can follow that up with another column spread (possibly using 4 pages to hold a month’s worth) so that I can work on the same notes and to-do list, because my to-do list stays oo long to accomplish it all in a week. Unless this new Wednesdays-for-Work thing goes way better than I could hope or imagine.
thanks for the notebook tip I will give that a shot. I currently use post notes on my desktop and it really hasn’t worked out very well for me. I have all the things I need to do posted all over my desk top ( i don’t think i can even see my wallpaper anymore) but there seems to be never enough time. Hopefully with your strategy I will be able to make up some extra time thanks!