Sorry I didn’t get over here last night. I came home from practice and went right to work on my jewelry making, and that was all I did until bed time. I didn’t even get my rss feeds read! I did make some very pretty things, which I will be listing for sale on my craft blog later today.
Today, I am rushing trying to take care of last minute things, because I am going out of town tomorrow. I’ll be gone until Monday evening, so I won’t be posting again until at least Tuesday. I can’t take the laptop since it is still deskbound (sigh. cry. whine. pout.), so I guess I will be forced to spend time interacting with actual humanoids. Oh the horrors!
There will be no SPS this week, but please don’t fret, because I will take pictures in Orlando, and I will prepublish a plce holder so you can all hook up with one another in my absence.
Of course, that means I will also miss my Friday weigh-in, so I weighed today. I am pleased to report that I have lost another 1.2 pounds, and am just .3 pounds away from the goal I had set for this coming Friday. I am planning to watch what I eat on my trip pretty carefully, because I do NOT want to be going backwards in the weight department.
Also, I now fit in my neice’s cast off size 16.5 girls stretch blue jeans. And, that, my friends, is hawt. Very, very hawt. Probably scandalously hawt. Perhaps even Harper Valley PTA hawt. Hawt.