One of the great benefits of not having internet at home has been an incredible amount of reclaimed free time. If you ever wonder how much time you truly spend doing something, do without it for awhile. Your eyes may be opened in amazing ways, just like mine have been. The crazy thing is that I am still able to get the necessary stuff done by focusing when I do have internet access. Such as this very minute. When I want to tell you about One Fifth Avenue.
You know how usually (and interestingly enough, I just remembered there is a short conversation about this in the book) you can say a novel was about something when you finish reading it? Well, with this book, I am unable to say that. And this is a good thing! I don’t mean it in a bad way at all! Candace Bushnell has written a book about life, populated with characters that are so well written and human that they seem almost real. The plot is realistic, the motivations ring true, and there is an exact amount of randomness in it that adroitly portrays life as it really happens to most of us. This author knows people, what makes them tick, and it is her ability to deliver a story that adequately portrays the emotions that beset us all that makes her story shine.
This is not a thin book, but it is not difficult to read, either, and I suspect that once you get started, you could read it over the course of a week, even if you only get to read in the evenings. Of course, I am not guaranteeing that you won’t stay up way past your bedtime turning pages, but I’m willing to tell you that it’s a risk worth taking.