Holiday Travel

A stuffed turkey
Image via Wikipedia
And not the kind you think. While the rest of you are stuffing yourselves silly and planning on starting a new alli diet on Friday, I will be traveling. Not on the way to visit family, either. As you might have guessed from the yearly utterli test below, it is time for the regional cheer-off, and we leave tomorrow morning at 11am for Charlotte.

Don’t panic on my account, we’ll be stopping at Golden Corral on the way ;). Well, that takes care of Thursday’s lunch, at any rate. As I recall, we were hard pressed to find food last year on Thursday night. Walking through the deserted mall, with all the locked up stores was pretty interesting, though.

I’ll be back on Friday evenig, and we have a family reunion this weekend on my dad’s side. His cousins are trippin’, ya’ll, and we always have a real good time. I’m excited to see them all again.

So, what are your big (or not so big) plans?

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