1. Working in my kitchen.
2. Baking crusty bread.
3. A good talk with my daughter.
4. Realizing “flour sack dishtowel” is just another name for “flat fold diaper.”
5. Walking through Hobby Lobby. Paton’s makes pretty laceweight. I may go back and get a couple of balls before I go to Virginia. A takes-forever-but-doesn’t-require-thinking shawl would be a good project to work on there.
6. Starting a piece of short erotic fiction. Actually, this is more fleshing out an idea that dropped in my lap while I was in class a couple of months ago. But I’m finally writing it, and that makes me happy, so it counts.
7. Uninterrupted reading time.
8. Realizing I still enjoy and am good at domesticity. I’m hoping to find some patterns I can continue to follow when classes start this fall.
9. Finally putting the front panel back on my washing machine.
10. Watching my baby girls read a book.
Eat enough of that, and the kids will be wallowing on me like I’m their cushion and pillows for support!