13 of 52….Back to the Fabric Fair

Today’s visit was slightly less frenetic, quite a bit spendier, and yielded a sizable bounty of fabric goodness.  The place was almost empty, so I could get to all the tables, including the cutting station.  There are several sizable pieces of linen there -as well as cotton- for period garb;  a few blends for skirts/pants for me; some fat quarters and bits for quilting (of course); and some books, both beautiful and instructive.

The best part was starting the day with my gal pal, Patti.  The saddest part will be negotiating with Rob tonight over who gets which fabric!  This will also lessen the financial hit, so somewhat bittersweet.  Depending on how the negotiations go, I may not need any more fabric until next year’s fair.  Which is not the same as saying I won’t buy more fabric.  These are two different things entirely!!