Tag Archive | Dr. Who



Today has been adventuresome. Not in any grand change the world way, but in quiet change MY world ways. First, I introduced a friend whom I mostly keep in touch with online to the beauty that is Mighty Text. Now he can be at the computer where he needs to be, but I can be where ever I want with my phone and still be in touch.

Then I read a couple of articles online that ended up relating (again) to that concept of “house.” Am I the only one who can actually FEEL it when new synapses are formed in the brain? The good news is, the picture is coming clearer without any striving on my part, just as I suspected it would once I acknowledged the promptings.

Then I went into my room, and moved this chair 18 inches to the left, so that it was beside a flat surface to hold my coffee cup on a cup warmer. And I put these things in the chair and took this picture. I sat and read for an hour, texting with my friend. I sat and knit on these socks while watching Classic Dr. Who for an hour (can you see the two toes yet? and can you see that I am doing the feet in ribbing?).

Then I put that post-it note on my new “idea wall.” I read an article the other day about this, mostly in relation to graphic design and business models. But I am adopting the concept for myself as a way to keep those ideas that will take time to come to fruition in front of me without obsessing on them. I’m looking forward to lots more post-it notes. And sketches. And swatches.

Where is my idea wall, you say? Over my zazen space. It is appropriate for now, but one day, when I really allow myself to be wildly free and creative, I am going to have a big wall, covered in corkboard and pretty fabric, and it will hold all my wonderful ideas until I get a chance to flesh them out. Like the two small boards I have now, only bigger…for bigger ideas. Long term things. Pieces of puzzles.

Tonight is the Super Bowl, of course: the one football game per year that I actually watch, mostly for the commercials and to rag on the half-time show. We’ve laid on supplies of party food: pizza, wings, soda, chips.

Later tonight, once the kids are in bed, I will sit in that chair with a cup of tea and journal. I really need to get back into my self-care groove after the weather disruptions of the past week. But, dang, it did feel good to sleep in. And also to stay up late.

Oh, after I took the picture, I started writing this blog post in my head. And then, about three-quarters of the way through, I realized I had forgotten it was Sunday again, and that I should be giving you a selfie. Oops.

And here we have yarn


You didn’t think I’d get very far into a new year with out setting forth a fiber agenda, did you? Starting at the bottom left, running clockwise

  • gauntlets for a friend
  • pocketed scarf for my friend to be
  • two containers of sock yarn to go into Hocks, and Hocks itself. This will be the year. Because wool blanket. And Maryland. And it’s time.
  • A long-sleeved, ribbed, turtleneck sweater for me that only needs 1.75 sleeves and a collar. This will be the year for that, too. Because wool sweater. And Maryland. And it’s time.
  • The remaining merino from my trip to the alpaca farm. Nope, I don’t have any plans for it yet beyond spinning, but I am sure I will think of something.
  • A cowl for me, that I started this fall, a bit over halfway done.
  • Socks, also for me. Long ones. Like, thigh high. Maybe even tights. Because legs need wool in Maryland.

I don’t have a real order for these things. The gauntlets need to be done while it is still winter, so they will be started within the next few days. They scarf needs to be done by the first of May. I foresee some pleasant time watching Classic Dr. Who and playing with needles and yarn. (Oh, did I fail to mention that I am now a Whovian? Yep. That happened.)

Honestly, I am not sure there is enough here to keep me busy for a year. But I am pretty sure there is enough to keep me occupied for about six months. That means I can probably pack up the rest of my (now seriously depleted) stash. And my swift. And my ball winder. Do I need to tell you that it feels strange to even consider walking into my room and not seeing those things? But everything I pack now is something I don’t have to pack later.

Speaking of Maryland. I hear sweater season lasts more than 40 days. That’s a benefit my knitterly self is happy with. There is something very satisfying about snuggling myself into layers of warm woolen things that I made for me. It’s warming from inside and out. Double warm. “Thank you, I made it myself,” is still one of my favorite things to say. That, and “yes, I will have dessert.”

Anyway, that’s about all I have to say about fiber today. I briefly considered telling you the stories that go with each of these projects, but I figure it might be better to wait until I get the things done.

I’m tired and grumpy. I didn’t sleep well. My shoulder is giving me eighteen fits. And I had to go out and run errands. But I got my degree audit fixed. It now says “>>>> ALL REQUIREMENTS COMPLETED – IN-PROCESS COURSES USED <<<<." I might have burst into tears when I saw that. You know, I've mentioned wool gauntlets that need knitting. I've mentioned Dr. Who. I'm thinking that tonight might be a good night for that combination. And Bigelow's Constant Comment tea. Which is the awesome, and if you haven't tried it, you should.