Self Portrait Sunday

Thanks for checking out Self Portrait Sunday. It’s a very simple meme: Just take a picture of yourself and post it on your own blog with a link back to my latest SPS post, which you can find by clicking here. You’ll need to upload your images to your own server.

You don’t have to take the picture on Sunday. Take it anytime during the week. Maybe you go somewhere interesting, or do something fun. Take your picture whenever, and just post on Sunday.

Here are some phantabulous buttons, made for me by the immensely talented Suni. Please save them to your own server, and link them to this page.

The Rules

1. Please, no pornography. I don’t need to define it, you know what it is.
2. Have fun!
3. There is no three. Do I look like a hard-nose or something?


2 thoughts on “Self Portrait Sunday

  1. Pingback: Midlife Musings- Avoiding midlife crisis with faith, family, humor, politics and the laundry chronicles

  2. Pingback: Irons are for Crafts | NerdBliss

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