Morning Musings 3/7/2007

What’s going on today?
Laundry (big surprise there)
working (still not a surprise)
reading (bet that fooled ya!)

Yes, I went to the library yesterday, and I have a big stack of books to read now, including Clinton’s biography. The others are on North Carolina, which I suppose counts as both reading and work. Whatever, I am determined to read, and that’s that.

In fact…….I think I will grab a basket and walk around the house picking up the books I have in progress here and there, and then I will tell you what all I am currently reading.

I have several posts rolling around in my head for this blog. You know how it is, right? This blog is mine, and so it ends up last on the list. I tried to write some things for you last night, but I was just too tired by the time I got over here to pull it together. Perhaps I will hit here first when I start working today. That would be fun. At least for me. I hope it would be fun for you, too!