Oh, I have sunk to a whole new level of horrible personhood. (Is sunk correct? I can’t decide). Truly, the depth of my depravity knows no bounds. I have developed a horrible aversion to housework of any sort. I’ve developed a coinciding aversion to frizzy hair and old makeup as well. So, I have a filthy house, and a bag full of hair and face stuff on the kitchen table.
Ok, let me correct that. I have a clean reading nook, and laundry area, and I have a bag full of hair and face stuff, minus the hot sticks that are in my bathroom. The rest of the house, well, it’ll get there, one new goody at a time. Maybe tomorrow, I’ll let myself have the new shampoo. Right after I clean the cabinet over the frig and the frig itself. Whatever it takes, ya know?
ROFLAO! I feel your misery.
I too have been a hermit blogger lately.
Yesterday I had to take a shower because I HAD to! 😛
Hmm..perhaps I should try this bribery thing. My house is quite a mess at the moment.
These things happen. Go buy some new shampoo, it will make the world look a lot better. Or you’ll feel better, which is practically the same thing.
Hey, I get a new bra now. Insomnia struck again tonight, so I cleaned. I’m so lazy, and so behind I’ll still be earning my stuff when my birthday rolls around.
I go through times like that. I like to clean pockets or sections of rooms at a time. I never take on the entire project at once! LOL
I’m getting there, one little bit at a time.