So what’s on the docket?
The laundry on the couch must be dealt with.
I need to see about moving the hutch.
I need to make a doctor appointment for Country.
I need to call about football.
I need to start working on the notes in my notebook.
I have a couple of blog advertising deadlines to get out.
And I need to do some thinking about my blogs in general.
I’ve been thinking about reducing the amount of time I spend at the computer, and one way to do that is to eliminate some of the posting I need to do. I’ve noticed a downward trend in my overall quality of writing lately, and that bothers me, so I am looking at options, and again, less to do means more time to do what I do get done better. We’ll see.
Right now, it’s time to cook breakfast.
A mothers work is never done is it?
Nope, not ever.