Why #4

I often find myself complaining. Maybe not out loud all the time, but certainly I do it internally. I think … if I only had… if he/she would only do… I need a vacation. Sometimes I really have to have a good talk with me, and explain that everyone gets the same basic deal: 24 hours, and a ration of faith. Yeah, sometimes, I do need a break, even Christ took time away. But sometimes I just need to suck up and deal. And the trick is knowing the difference. I tend to go from one extreme to the other–I take no time for myself, or I get totally selfish and it becomes all about me. I’m trying to find balance in that area now. I’m finding that where I used to think only a Orlando vacation rental would solve my need for time and space, the fact is a cup of coffee and a stroll through the bookstore will have the same effect, if I do it on a regular basis.

Why #4: Why do we think we need so much more than we really do?

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