On the first day of Vegas

my true love gave to me………………

Okay, on Wednesday, I met Alli in Atlanta, as I already posted. And then I met Ang., Colleen and Jenn and at the airport in Vegas. It was so amazing to meet all these people who were already friends. I’ve known Ang. for almost 5 years, and yet somehow in all that time, it never occurred to either of us to just meet in the middle. I can pretty much guarantee that it will not be another five years before we see each other again, though. We five went to the hotel and dropped off our stuff in our temporary luxury homes, then headed the In&Out where we met Jules. We ate and sat there chatting for awhile, it was so neat to learn each others voices after seeing each other’s words on message boards. It’s just…same only different, yk? Here we all are, right before we left I&O.
IMG 0889

I was surprised to find out that most people were surprised when they met me to find out that I:

  • am short
  • like to laugh
  • am funny
  • have an accent
  • enjoy flirting
    • with everyone

In fact, on Saturday night, Jules finally confessed that of all the people she was going to meet, she thought I would be the one she didn’t like. Thankfully, that wasn’t the case, but apparently, my personality just does not translate well over the internet. OTOH, she is just as I expected her to be, Alli is way hotter, Jenn is even sweeter, Colleen is much warmer and Ang. is even more comfortable, if that is possible.

I miss you all already. And also those I haven’t even gotten around to discussing yet.

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6 thoughts on “On the first day of Vegas

  1. And you expected me to be how? LOL!

    For some reason you are WAY different online to me. Now I understand your remarks, and the sarcasm 🙂

  2. I think I probably knew all that except for the flirting part…lol. Even though I’ve never met you in person or heard you speak, being southern is enough to know about some things, like your sense of humor!

    By the way, you and I don’t have accents. Everybody else does. 🙂

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