
Ok, so, yeah. I’ve done stuff about school, and come January, whether I need snow boots or daisy dukes, I’ll be there. I went by the admissions office yesterday to turn in a bit of paperwork, and they are still waiting on my college transcripts, which I’ve ordered. They also need a high school transcript, which I still have to figure out how to get. I did it years ago so I could homeschool the children, but I don’t remember how I did it. A quick call to the high school ought to take care of that.

Let’s see what else? Oh yes, the living room. Whittling that down a box at a time. I did mention that I unloaded 1/4 of the shed into my living room, right? Umm, yeah, to make my studio. I’m still thoroughly enjoying that, btw, my little official work and play area. And it’s nice to not have the computer in my room.

Boy, I think the hardest part about now having time to blog regularly must be the forgetting what I’ve talked about and what I haven’t. I’ve built daily blogging time into my routine, but I don’t always get through the whole routine, and it’s near the end, so….yeah.

P.S. The high school transcript will be going out this afternoon. Why, yes, I am a multi-tasking queen!