January 26, In Which We Rearrange and Risotto

So. I had a dilemma. I was really enjoying my new room set-up, except for one thing. People would get ready to walk through to the bathroom and peep around the door to see what I was doing. I didn’t like that at all. I know they have to come through to the bathroom, but…that little head tilted checking out what I was doing bugged me. And yet it is important to me to make my home welcoming to my daughter’s friends. (And yes, some of her friends I also call friend.) So I re-arranged.

sleeping hole

When I am in my bed, I can no longer be seen from the door. And I figure if I still feel voyeured, I can add a couple of tall bookcases at the foot of the bed to block myself in further. This had the unexpected added benefits of both enlarging my office space and allowing me to add a second night stand. Woohoo. Yes, I know I have an obscene amount of pillows. Get over it.

I am still practicing risotto. Tonight’s version was made with beef. I over-corrected on the salt, but lowered the heat and came much closer to the desired texture. I still could have used more broth. I think I need to measure the capacity of my ladle–it apparently holds less than the half cup I am assuming.

beef risotto