Day is Done

Shower? check
Hair? check
Scouts? check
Youth? check
Grocery shopping? check
Household tasks? No check. I ran out the door as soon as I crammed lunch in my mouth, and got home (except for two 5 minute stops to grab/exchange kiddos) after 9pm.

Now, I hate a coat. I don’t wear them unless it is well below freezing. I use a sweater, but that’s it. Let me tell you something. And you yankees can quit snickering, before I even start talking! It is cold out there. Normally when it’s cold, I just stay home. Today as I was running around, I was reminded of the Polar Bear Club. You know those idiots who put on swimsuits and jump in the lake on New Year’s Day? Yeah, those guys.

2 thoughts on “Day is Done

  1. This yankee is gonna laugh 🙂
    Did you read my blog last week? You know – the day when my kid’s school cancelled and the windchill was twenty below?
    Its still darn cold here, but it feels like spring compared to last week. At least we didnt get 9 feet of snow like the folks just north of us!
    Anyway I don’t much like coats either, but let me tell you, this aging body has started to wear hats, scarves mittens and LONG JOHNS!

  2. Now, why would you think this yankee would make fun of you? Just because I don’t have a winter coat and it has been barley above zero all month?

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