Skeet has tagged me with a meme. I’m supposed to name five bloggers that I would like to have with me on a deserted island, besides her. She has to be there because she is such a wonderful story-teller.
I’d like to have both Ann and Ang with me, because their strong faith would help keep my focus where it needs to be.
I’d like to have Carla, because she spins as well as knits, and between us, we can brainstorm a pattern for anything. We may have to use bizarre fibers for our yarn, but knitting there will be.
I’d like to have Amy, because she’s an inspiration to me and many others, and I think she doesn’t even try to be, it’s just who she is.
And, I’d like to have Deb, because she is the most unflappable person I know.
Technorati Tags: deserted island
Thanks, Cass. 🙂
Sung to “Unforgetable”
Unflappable….that’s what you are…
Unflappable in every way…
Aww, shucks, gals. It was just the truth.