Making Travel Plans

I’m going to Vegas, ya’ll. Have I mentioned that? Well, it bears repeating, cause, ya’ll, I’m going to Vegas! I’m going to meet lots of my internet friends there, and I am so excited. About the only thing that could get me more excited is the chance to take the underwater photography course at Unfortunately, that would require more time away from home than I can give up.

So, what’s on my Vegas agenda? Besides meeting friends, I plan to attend the BlogWorldExpo and PostieCon. I’m hoping to squeeze in a spa day as well. I don’t know what else I’ll have time to include. My trip is in November, so I have time to fill in the details. I’ll let you know right up front that i plan to have fun spoiling myself rotten.

One thought on “Making Travel Plans

  1. That sounds awesome, Cass!

    I still haven’t been to Vegas, but I plan on it some day.

    I hope you have a blast there, and be careful!

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