Go Red Again

Some of you may remember the RED campaign to raise awareness and funds for African AIDS victims, but today, I want to talk about a different red. Campbell’s red, heart disease red, red, red, red. Did you know that heart disease affects more women today than ever before? Our hard charging- go get it- fast paced lives are catching up with us. More and more we are becoming susceptible to those diseases that used to plague mostly men. And, oh by the way, we are still at risk for the ones that have always been “women’s diseases”. Nice, huh? I’ll skip the whole social commentary that goes with that, and get on to the point at hand: Campbell’s Go Red.

About Campbell’s Go Red

Campbell invites you to join us in celebrating the energy, passion and power we have as women to band together and fight heart disease.

Too few people realize that heart disease is the #1 killer of American women and men. But the good news is that heart disease can largely be prevented. That’s the goal of the American Heart Association’s Go Red For Women movement—empowering women with knowledge and tools so they can take positive action to reduce their risks and protect their health.

Thanks to the participation of millions of people across the country since 2004, the Go Red For Women movement’s signature red color and red dress have become linked with the ability women have to improve their heart health and live stronger, longer lives.

There’s an easy way that you can help. Toni Braxton is teaming with Campbell’s Go Red, and she’ll be kicking off American Heart Month in February, wearing the dress above that gets the most votes. How does that help anything, you ask? Well, Campbell’s is donating a dollar for each vote to the Go Red for Women movement.

And what does that mean to me? Well, one of the reasons I want to lose weight is because excess weight puts you at risk for heart disease. In fact, if your waist is over 35 inches, no matter how much you weigh, you are at higher risk. Sadly, I am in that category. But it’s getting better. I weigh 156/157 now, so I’ve lost 3 or 4 pounds since January 12. I’m kicking myself for not buying a digital scale, it’s hard for my 40 year old eyes to count those tick marks, and I know that doesn’t seem like much weight for three weeks worth of calorie counting, but it’s weight I’ve left behind for good, so I’m ok with that. Just 16 weeks to go, and by then, healthy eating will have become a lifestyle habit, a choice I make because I feel better when I do it.