Day 8, Day 9, Day 10

Well, it is indeed time to catch up on Project 365 like I said I was going to do. I guess it is time to give a small word of explanation for the hold up: I had to take dh to the hospital last Thursday, and that really through a kink in things. He’s home now and physically much better, but… well the rest will be a tale for another day.

Day 8 View of Ambulance from my windshield

View of Ambulance from my windshield

Day 9 Looking down on the first floor of the Women’s and Children’s hospital from the second

looking down on the first floor of the hospital

This is a new wing, and actually looked pretty nice. Not las vegas nv nice, of course, but not too bad for people who insist on giving birth in a hospital. See the Christmas tree by the window?

Day 10 The unchosen SPS from 1/11

the other SPS for 1/11

I finally came home on Saturday and tried to get some rest. The phone rang off the hook. I gave up, got up, cleaned up, and invited GuitarGuy and his kids over for a movie with two of my kids. He plays good music, and it was nice to just hang out and do something fun after being full of fear and adrenaline for two days. And did I mention the not sleeping part?

2 thoughts on “Day 8, Day 9, Day 10

  1. This is GuitarGuy. No not Jeff Duham Guitar Guy but a much more anonymous guitarguy. Movie nite with the kids was fun. Lots of popcorn was eaten and She was soooo tired from worrying, lack of sleep and adrenline overdose she MISSED her mouth when trying to drink with a TODDLERS SIPPY CUP!! Without the lid on it!!!! Now that was funny. Wish you had seen it! Maybe I’ll make more comments on other blog postings and give you more insite to the story behind the story. HAHAHAHA Stay tuned!!!!

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