
19. At Least the View is Nice


This entry was posted on January 19, 2016, in cass laughs.

14. Tea Situation


So, the cleaning and purging continue. Today I’m working in the kitchen. Not much is leaving (yet), but I did re-arrange stuff so that I could get rid of that shelf I told you on December 24th was strictly temporary. I am through with the upper cabinets, and will get going on the bottom ones in a bit–I need to load the dishwasher first.

I had to stop to show you the tea area. I know this doesn’t seem like nearly enough tea, but there is a wide drawer under the cabinet with the coffee pot, and it is full of bagged tea. Notice I did not name this post “Tea Problem.” The only possible tea problem I see is running out, and that is clearly NOT going to happen here. Not on my watch.

352/362/2015 Angry Cat

She’s miffed because I put presents under the tree, and now there is no place in this entire apartment for her to sleep.


This entry was posted on December 23, 2015, in cass laughs.

335/362/2015 Ninja Sighting


This entry was posted on December 5, 2015, in cass laughs.

334/362/2015 Did Some Stuff


Plus laundry.   Think I’ll scour the coffee counter next. I need to get it ready for the new pot.

332/362/2015 Celebration!


This entry was posted on December 1, 2015, in cass laughs.

307/364/2015 Evil Grin Ensued


This entry was posted on November 4, 2015, in cass laughs.

277/364/2015 Smug

Something happened that I didn’t like.  I got proactive on that situation.


This entry was posted on October 5, 2015, in cass laughs.