God’s Van is Here

We have a 1994 Dodge Caravan! It is blue, as all Darrow vans must be, shoulder restraints in the back (needful for the booster car seats, you see), only $800 and the story behind is quite interesting. You’ll recall that I have been saying God would provide us a van in His time since the last one died. Well, God threw a van into my lap and I almost missed it for not paying attention!


Sunday two weeks ago, Sarah, a friend at church told me she had a van in her yard for sale, but added that someone was already interested and looking into it. So, Sunday a week ago, I asked if that lady had gotten the van or not, and Sarah said the woman was still looking, but no money had been paid. I am thinking that this woman has dibs on the van, so I just told Sarah to let me know what the woman decided. This past Sunday, I asked again, and the reply was the same, so I finally said, “well are you holding the van, or is it first come first served?” And Sarah let me know it was first come.

So, on Sunday afternoon as we were going to see Grandmother, I mentioned the van to Mama, along with the price. And she volunteered to finance it! One the way back home, I asked if she wanted to run by Sarah’s, and this is where the story takes it’s first obviously God-ish twist. My mother and I are *never* able to extend a time out with each other. We often suggest it to one another, but one of us always has to get on home for this or that reason. We don’t even know which house is Sarah’s though I know the road she lives on. Second twist: Mama goes on anyway, in spite of the fact that I can’t even get a phone number from the crew at home when I call to ask them to look it up. Third twist, the first drive we turn down is Sarah’s and she’s out in the yard cleaning out that van!

Got goosebumps yet?

Well, she’s cleaning that van because someone is coming to look at it. Someone who has been told the price is $1200 by the van’s owner (not Sarah). So, I just say, well, ok. And (I’m not numbering the twists anymore, it’s just totally too much!!!) she asks me if I am interested, and I tell her I am. So we just look at each other, and I finally ask her, “if I decide I want it, can I have it, if I decide first?”, and she says yes.

I start it up and listen to it a bit. I ask to drive it and do so. When I get back, as I am parking the van, the other person shows up. I just sit there in the van. I’m thinking, “too late, I was too late”. Mama hops out of her car, comes to the window, and I tell her, “Mama, I want it”, and she nods once to Sarah, and it is MINE!

We have a van, Praise the Lord!!

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10 thoughts on “God’s Van is Here

  1. Gotta love God’s timing. Okay, sometimes we don’t while we are waiting. But don’t we always once it is time?

  2. reminds me of when I got my first bedroom furniture for our apartment just recently. it was all a God thing… believe me!

    I love vans like this. We had one like that for most of the time I was growing up.

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