
I’ve joined a new weekly meme-type thing, and it is hosted by Work at Home Musings. You’ll see a tab up above that has the list of participants, it’s the one called “QotW”. Each week on Monday, she’ll ask a question for us to answer on our blogs. You are seeing mine on Friday, because I apparently cannot read anymore, and I was expecting the question TODAY. I told ya’ll I was losing my mind!

This week’s question (she asked on monday, ya’ll, just sayin’) is:

How many hours a week do you spend on your home business? Do you think it is too much or too little?

I aim to spend at least three hours a day working. I find that I typically work at least 5. This week, I’ve not been working as much because I have been concentrating on spring cleaning instead. As for too much or too little, it’s both. It’s too much when I don;t get to spend as much time with my family as I’d like, and too little when I don;t get all I need to do done, which is most of the time.

One thought on “QotW

  1. Your days sound alot like mine, I aim for 3, usually do 5 or 6, but I do need to start spring cleaning, it is definitely time. 🙂

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