Day 20 Snow Day Slumber Party

Snow Day! We had snow, real snow! It never snows here! The kids had a absolute blast!

snow day

In the early afternoon, the teens and I took off for Guitar Guy’s house for an afternoon of Prince Caspian and then a Bible study. He also made fruit smoothies, LOL. One of the teens needed to go home around 6, and I tried to take him, but I had managed to leave my lights on all day. On the coldest day of the year. That battery was so dead and it was so cold that it would not take a charge. So, Guitar Guy took that teen home, leaving my battery hooked to another car. When he got back, my van still would not start, plus the roads were now iced over with more snow on top. Oooooops.

And so, we had another slumber party, and this time, I got to be there, LOL! We stayed up until 4am talking and working on a puzzle. And also listening to 80s music. I might have danced alone in the kitchen, as well, but only for one song, I promise.