Day 42 of Project 365 Feb 11 Middle Age Manliness

Oh, girls, what has happened to my face? What is the *stuff* on my upper lip? And, whoa! Do I detect a few on my face, too? Meet my new girlfriend, Sally. She makes me feel like a natural woman!


I originally started buying this stuff to wax other areas, but it didn’t work so well for that, mostly because I couldn’t see what I was doing very well, I think. It’s a champ for stray facial hair, though.

And in a merciless twist of life cycle fate, I am still using a blackhead extractor on a regular basis. Not chemical ones like that of course, just a simple little tool you can find at any store, but it works. And now I know exactly how a teenage boy must feel. Oh, no, I take that back. Teenage boys WANT facial hair.