July 8 Blowing Bubbles Why, yes, a helmet IS mandatory safety equipment. At least it is if you are an 8 year old superhero type boy child.
July 9 Mandevilla It was just so pretty I had to take a picture of it.
July 10 Some Shoes I Want There’s another pair, too, but I could only pick one picture for the day and this is the pair I saw first. Yeah, artist dates are fun. And yeah, I do use my phone cam as a shopping list holder. I got skillz, dudez.
July 11 Visit with GirlCousin and AuntieEm I had soooo much fun getting re-acquainted with these folks. I should never have let time and distance come between us. It’s a mistake I will try not to make again.
July 12 Hospital Salad The hospital here makes wonderful salads to order. And it was so big that I had the leftovers for dinner the next night!
That salad looks so good! It almost resembles a Cobb salad that the ‘fancy
restaurants serve 😛 I’m always looking for recipes to add to my Secret Sister Shop blog.