July 13-20

Oooh, getting closer to the right day again, LOL!

July 13 was another oops. So, oops.


July 14 Cubbies This is what they looked like before the re-organization started. They are done now, though I have some stuff left over that I am not quite sure what I am going to do with.


July 15 Weird Yarn This became a hat for That One. Hope he drops by soon to pick it up. He liked the picture but I am sure he will laugh when he actually gets to feel the hat. It’s….interesting to say the least.

July 16 also an oops. It was the day MMH pretty much told Mama he was leaving.
July 17th also. It was the day he left. I was busy visiting Mama. We talked, we played cards, we shook our heads in amazement that he would walk away from so much for so little.

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July 18 Uncle I gave up trying to catch up my reading before the piles of books on my little bookcase made me crazy, so I added another bookcase. I’m still behind, but at least it looks neater. And I get to display more pictures. I like it!

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July 19 Bayer GirlCousin gave him to me. She picked out a good one. She tells me Ty is high class, but this one is a bed hopper. I never know where I’ll find him in the morning, but I know where he starts out each night: clutched to my chest with my body wrapped around him.

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July 20 Lantana I finally planted it, LOL!

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