I told you politics was coming to this blog, right? Here are a few things I’ve written in the recent past. I’m bringing over the comments as well, so feel free to jump on in the conversation 🙂
So, it’s Obama and Hillary for the serious contenders from the Democrats. It’s possible that Obama might make a decent president *if* he’ll not parrot the party line, and remember where he came from.
Hillary, she’s lost her mind. The American people will never vote her into office. We have a memory, after all. That shrill wind-bag? She just oozes “I count on my money to buy me what I want, including teh presidency.” Umm, no.
My early prediction: Rudy in a bi-partisan landslide. I said we have a memory, and there’s not an American over the age of 15 who doesn’t remember his firm resolve and balanced actions as mayor of New York on September 11, 2001, and in the days, weeks and months that followed.
Seems Miss Hillary has been busy already. In truth, I think she started preparing before Bill’s presidency ended. Her investigators have discovered that Barak Obama went to *Muslim school*. *Gasp, shock*. The line coming from them is that he “hid” this information, and that they have questions about whether he may not still be a Muslim.
We’ll leave the hilarity of this religious intolerance from the party of “it’s all good” for another day. Here’s the part they aren’t going to publicize: Mr. Obama’s attendance at Muslim school occurred before he was 10 years old. Yeah, they are holding the man responsible for the choices made by the child’s parents. Nor will they publicize the fact that Mr. Obama is now a Christian. I suppose that’s ok, because he doesn’t attempt to hide it.
Roaches and rats, eat their own, you know. And also apparently Democrats.
H/T: American Princess, Insight
Staunch conservative Mike Huckabee is tossing his hat in the ring for the presidency. Huckabee has previously served 10.5 years as governor of Arkansas, and had a good share of controversy while in that office. He’s opposed to abortion rights and gay marriage, which make him a favorite of right wingers like me. More interesting yet, Arkansas tends to lean Democratic, but he won twice by landslide. So, what’s he got?
More here.
Technorati Tags: Obama, Hillary, Rudy, Mike Huckabee