May 17-20 Mostly about my Shoe Fetish

Ok, that’s a snappier title, right? And, yes, I realize that I was supposed to start with the 16th, but guess what? No picture, and I am not going to get the camera card out to see if I used it instead of the phone. So there. The 16th will just have to remain a mystery!

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May 17 Mary Jane Shoes It is no secret that I have a shoe issue, right? Didn’t think so. You know I love sky high heels, but I also have a thing for Mary Janes. I like to wear them with cute socks. And on this day, I did. Whenever I wear Mary Janes, I sing Fergie’s song to myself as I go about my day. It perfectly captures the beautiful irony of wearing this kind of shoe as an adult. It reminds me to be young, and makes me feel all grown up at the same time. And what could possibly go wrong when you are wearing your Mary Jane Shoes? I think the next pair of shoes I buy will be sky high Mary Janes.

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May 18 Coloring Time Batman had an appointment on this day, and so while we waited DaBaby and I colored a picture. We teased each other about her side of the page and my side of the page. I love this age, when they are learning about social exchanges, and sharing, and all that good stuff. Sigh. I miss being the main one to teach her these things.

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May 19 Shoe Shopping But not for me. I took Diva to buy the shoes for her dance on the 19th. I knew I wasn’t there for me, but I just had to try this pair on anyway. I ended up going back to get them a week or so later. Is anyone surprised by this? No? Didn’t think so.

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May 20 More Roses Have I mentioned I like flowers? These three roses, all a different color, were growing on the same bush. I said “get out!!” and took the picture, because I knew no one would believe me without it.

Say, do you reckon walking in tall heels qualifies as a natural fat burner? I mean you have to use good posture and hold yourself tight from knees to waist…..that oughta be worth something, right?

One thought on “May 17-20 Mostly about my Shoe Fetish

  1. I have a major shoe addiction. I love all thins strapy! I also have MANY pairs of Mary Janes. For Mother’s Day my hubby built me a shoe organizer for our closet. I already filled it. Now I feel I need more LOL.

    Thanks for the great post.

    Mommy D

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